HTTP Status Codes
Each request to the API returns an HTTP status indicating the result of the processing. The following list contains the most commonly used statuses:
200 OK Returned when the GET and PUT methods succeed.
201 CREATED Confirms the creation of a document using the POST method.
202 ACCEPTED Indicates that the request has been accepted by the server, but its processing has not yet been completed (applies to asynchronous processing).
204 NO CONTENT Returned when an operation succeeds, but the request does not return any data (e.g., DELETE method).
304 NOT MODIFIED Indicates no changes in the HTTP request - no redirection.
400 BAD REQUEST Incorrect JSON data sent.
401 UNAUTHORIZED The user is not authenticated - they should log in to Allegro and then try to make the request again.
403 FORBIDDEN The user is authenticated but does not have rights to the requested resource.
404 NOT FOUND The requested resource does not exist in the API.
406 NOT ACCEPTABLE An unsupported data type was passed in the Accept header.
415 UNSUPPORTED MEDIA TYPE An unsupported data type was passed in the Accept header.
422 UNPROCESSABLE ENTITY Incorrect field values were sent, e.g., object validation returned an error, or some fields do not meet the criteria imposed on them by the resource.
429 TOO MANY REQUESTS The client exceeded the request limit.
500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR The server encountered an unexpected condition.
503 SERVICE UNAVAILABLE Connection to the service is not possible.